CyberScrub can wipe your application logs, clipboard, computer history and temp files, and can shred individual files and wipe free space. That’s not the only feature that makes it easier to keep your online life private.

It can erase data across a huge range of applications, too: it works with all versions of Windows 10, with Microsoft Office, Skype, Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge, and buying a yearly subscription to CyberScrub means that you’ll automatically receive updated plug-ins for newer software when they’re released. If you want to protect people from reaching your passwords, financial records or health information, this tool does a top-notch job of removing all traces of that data.

When it comes to pure file deletion, this app handles basically everything – it’ll wipe your pictures, videos, emails, voice files and peer-to-peer activity and handle everything else across your PC, browsers, emails and instant messages.