Move away from other electronics to prevent interference.Ensure there is no interference with the electrode to skin contact (hair, jewelry, clothing, etc.).
For more information, see How do I wear my Fitbit device? Wear it a finger’s width above your wrist bone. It should feel comfortably secure, not too loose or too tight.
Check the fit of your Fitbit wrist-worn product. Keep your index finger(s) on your Fitbit wrist-worn product for the duration of the assessment. Check that your Fitbit wrist-worn product is on the wrist you selected when you started the assessment. Rest your arms on a table while you take the assessment and avoid moving. Make sure you’re sitting down and relaxed. If the Fitbit ECG app couldn’t get a good reading, try the following troubleshooting tips: There are many possible reasons for getting an inconclusive result, but common causes are: Learn more from the American Heart Association or by visiting the website of the European Society of Cardiology. Taking certain medications such as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers. Heart rate can be low for many reasons, such as: If your heart rate is under 50 bpm, the Fitbit ECG app can’t assess your heart rhythm. Heart rate can be high for many reasons, such as: If your heart rate is over 120 bpm, the Fitbit ECG app can’t assess your heart rhythm. There are 3 types of inconclusive results you might receive after taking the assessment: Inconclusive: High heart rate
Note that Google Pixel Watch must be connected to LTE or Wi-Fi to sync your ECG data to the Fitbit app. When your results appear, swipe up to see the full report.Continue to hold the contact point(s) until the countdown is complete. Put your finger(s) on your Fitbit wrist-worn product as shown on the screen.Follow the instructions on your Fitbit wrist-worn product to start the assessment.
During this time, you’ll see a black screen. Note that after you tap the ECG app icon, it can take several seconds for the app to load. Sit down and open the ECG app on your Fitbit wrist-worn product.It should sit a finger’s width above your wrist bone. Wear your Fitbit wrist-worn product snugly, but with enough room for comfort.After you complete the Heart Rhythm Assessment introduction, you can take an ECG reading.
From the Discover tab in the Fitbit app, tap Assessments & Reports Heart Rhythm Assessment and follow the instructions. Open the Fitbit app on your phone or tablet, and log in to your Fitbit account if you haven’t already done so. Before you take your first reading, review the Heart Rhythm Assessment introduction: